We are very pleased to to offer school dinners from Culverstone Green Primary School to our Nursery children. Priced at £2.65 per day, these safe, satisfying and nutritious meals will ensure your child has energy for the rest of the day. If you would like your child to participate in school dinners, please complete the application document, which can be found in the Documents section of our website, and return it to the nursery.
Click below to access the new Winter/Spring menu.
easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend with them to a cause of your choice. Selecting our charity, Culverstone Pre-school Playgroup, will mean the Nursery will benefit from those donations. Don’t delay, sign up today at www.easyfundraising.org.uk/create-an-account and select Culverstone Pre-school Playgroup as your chosen charity.
Culverstone Green Nursery has uniform available for children. It is entirely optional, so if you'd prefer to send your child to nursery in their own clothes, please do so.
The uniform items available to purchase are as follows:
Alternatively our Nursery families are welcome to purchase any of the unbranded, red-coloured uniform items available in supermarkets and other retailers.
Visit the Mapac website by clicking the link below. Once on the website page you will see options for both the Primary School and Nursery. Select the Culverstone Green Nursery logo to browse the Nursery selection of flame red uniform items. Once you have chosen the uniform items you wish to purchase, select your chosen size & quantity, click 'Add to Basket' then check out. During term time there will be an option to deliver free to the Culverstone Green Primary School. Alternatively you can have the items delivered to you at home.
On these chilly autumnal days, our Nursery children love nothing more than to play outside so please remember to pack named wellies and a named winter hat so that we can stay warm and cosy during these enormously fun outdoor play sessions.
We are delighted to introduce the newest members of our Culverstone Green Nursery family, Bingo and Bluey - two very interesting thousand-legged millipedes.
Millipedes are herbivorous and spend their days living in soil and under stones and logs. They are very calm and tolerant of handling (with adult supervision, of course) which makes them ideal for us here at Culverstone Green Nursery. We're very pleased to be able to expose our curious Nursery children to these wonderful creepy-crawlies.
Bluey can be identified by his shorter left antennae and Bingo has been perfectly behaved since coming to live with us. We can't wait for your children to tell you more about them!
Our hourly fee rate is £8.00. In addition, sundries (covering snacks, consumables and other Nursery provisions such as cooking ingredients and arts & crafts items) are £1 per session. These fees are inline with other Gravesham providers. 15‐hours childcare support is available to those eligible.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
If your child has left Nursery please ensure you log into Tapestry to download their learning journey as a PDF.
This has to be done on the Tapestry website, it cannot be done on the app.
Here is a link to the instructions for you to follow.
Supporting the wellbeing of children has never been so important. To assist with this, we have been provided two fantastic free parental resources by SSS Learning Ltd.
Child Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents
Parents' Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents
We hope you find these links both informative and supportive.
Do you have a special interest that you could share with us? An interesting pet perhaps? Or an instrument that you could play for the nursery children? We are always looking for ways to broaden our nursery children's knowledge and experience so if you have something stimulating or educational you could share, we'd love to hear from you. Don't delay, email us today!
Lots of children now have their own devices or borrow parents' or carers' to use apps, watch TV programmes and play games. The online world is ever changing and it's really important that we protect our children from inappropriate or upsetting content. There are lots of organisations to help you with this and we'd encourage all parents and carers to explore the many online safety resources available. Here are links to a few:
Culverstone Green Nursery underwent a routine Ofsted inspection on 12th July 2022 and were awarded the highest mark in all areas of inspection! In addition, the inspector noted that:
• Children are consistently relaxed and engaged, showing they feel safe and secure.
• Children display extremely high levels of respect for one another. They regularly engage in deep conversations and are passionate in sharing their ideas.
• Children display an excellent understanding of the behavioural expectations of the setting as they share and take turns. Older children remind the young children to take turns, reinforcing their understanding.
• Staff know the children extremely well. This is due to the robust procedures they have in place as a child starts the setting. They complete home visits and setting-in sessions to build trusting relationships with the child and family.
• Staff are highly committed to supporting children's communication and language skills. They consistently engage in funny, exciting conversations and challenge children's thinking by asking intriguing questions.
• Managers are incredibly passionate and inspiring. They act as excellent role models, creating a dedicated staff team who all share the same ethos.
• Parents are extremely grateful for the intensive level of support they receive from the setting. They speak very highly of the staff and feel fully informed about their children's learning and development. Parents are thoroughly impressed by the progress their children have made since attending the setting.